Wednesday 31 August 2011

just a moment...

... to introduce myself.


- Julie 
- a wife
- a mummy
- a daughter
- a sister (also in-law)
- a friend
- an Australian 
- a terrible singer
- a chocolate addict
- an avid reader
- a housework avoider
- a cake decorating... attempter...
- a craft dreamer
- a spring day lover
- a house renovation fantasiser 
- a random object painting weirdo 
and... (not to scare you or anything, cause I don't plan on bashing you with it but... it's a big part of me) 
- a child of God.

I've a lovely hubby who's an engineer water specialist thingamabobby and is studying at bible college in his spare time HAHA! We've got a gorgeous little girl, our Christmas baby... 8 month old Miss E. She keeps us on our toes and continually teaches us a strong appreciation for our parents and those people that have, like, 7 kids.

I'm a trained youth worker but am a stay at home mum with a messy house that I wish was domestic bliss but is really not. I spend my days discussing with my cute and cuddly child the fact that she's cranky because she's tired so she should go to sleep and my nights breathing a deep sigh of relief as she heads off to the land of nod (and a few moments every night wishing I could cuddle her some more). I day dream about options for future careers but can't convince myself that I'm good enough at any one thing to do it every single day and spend money on starting it (like cake decorating). So, for now, I'm just me... 

This blog will, I hope... be a place to share life, love, recipes, disasters and successes as well as hints and tips for removing 3 day old banana from the cracks in the highchair (oops).

I'll leave it at that... I've said enough, or too much, or not the right stuff... but hey... no one's perfect. 

Say g'day and if you know me maybe you can add another thing to the list of what/who you think I am.


PS Oh and I can't quite work out this stupid formatting rubbish thing so sorry for the weird look post! 

PPS A photo... cause everyone likes to see a photo... this was at my brothers birthday, that's my newly engaged soon to be sister in law (WOO!) and me, the one drinking from the glass, whilst my lovely sister fills it and, well... the facials tell the story really!

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